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ASVAB Test Preparation Tips: The Two Key Steps to Passing Your ASVAB Test
And there is really only one way to pass the ASVAB test, and it involves these two key components:
1) Get that info into your head 2) Be able to retrieve it during the test
Let's take a look at each of them in turn.
1) Get the info into your head
In order to ace the ASVAB exam, you must get the information they're testing into your head. That will take lots of studying -- and practice. Sorry, there really are no short-cuts.
But you also want to make sure that you're not studying harder than necessary, or worse, wasting your time. You do that by making sure you're doing the following:
Get the correct information!
If you study without clear direction, you may end up spending a lot of time, and maybe even money, yet you may still flunk the test. You need materials that are up to date and help you learn the kinds of things you're need to know come test-taking time.
How to study
Once you have the correct information, you need to study. People differ in how they like to study, but here are some general guidelines:
Schedule lots of short study periods and take breaks between them
Schedule half hour or one hour segments and then do something else. You might even take a nap, go for a walk, or something else that might be relaxing.
Your brain needs time to process the information you just added.
Schedule practice time as well as review time
Once you have studied something, you need to practice and review it, repeatedly. You want your brain to realize that this info is important and to keep it handy so you'll be able to retrieve it when you take your ASVAB test.
2) Be able to retrieve the information during the test
Part two is to do well during the test. All the studying in the world won't help you unless you're able to retrieve what you studied while you're taking the test.
So how can you improve your chances that the information will be there when you need it?
Here's the number one rule: Stay Calm
I know, this may be easier said than done. But if you want to ace the test, you must stay calm. That's because if you get stressed, your stress hormones will keep your brain from operating effectively, and you'll have trouble accessing the information you have stored in it.
But how do you stay calm in view of the importance of this test?
Think about it: you know what you know. Your job is to answer as many questions as possible with the information you actually have. Chances are that if you do that you'll be fine.
What if you discover that there are questions about things you didn't study?
Here's the scoop on that: Any information you missed when you were studying is not available to you during the test. Just accept it and move on to the info you do know. And remind yourself of the following:
No amount of stressing will make that information miraculously appear in your brain. It's not going to happen.
This means that being stressed during the test will serve no useful purpose at all. None!
So take a deep breath and go back to focusing on the questions you can answer. That's your job. And one question at a time, you'll make it all the way through.
Here's the key to passing the exam:
If you study the right material, and then stay calm during your test, chances are excellent that you'll pass the ASVAB test.
So how do you figure out WHAT to study?
Claim your FREE Guide to Passing the ASVAB Test by clicking here:
And be sure to check out my review of the online ASVAB practice test resource center by clicking here:
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Marketing For Schools - How To Build Your Schools Image
Schools have impacts on related local markets too. Just take a look at housing for example. If you move to a new town or city and you want to know where the 'best' schools are, ask the local estate agents-- they would always tell you!
How did they form a view? Because every school emits marketing messages, whether for good or bad. The messages can be overt, as in school brochures, or subliminal, as in attitudes perceived by onlookers.
This external perception directly impacts a school's capability (or not) to draw in students and therefore funding. Because we all want to work for a winning team it also affects a school's ability to attract and retain skilled resources, which in turn influence academic results, which affect your ability to attract students ... and so on!
It is easy to make the mistake of thinking that what we know to be true is the same 'truth' that others perceive. This is not so. It is perception that make a differences to those with influence over a school-- parents, potential parents and students, LEA officers, community leaders and so on.
Public perception of a school can be profoundly weakened by events that take just moments to undermine what has taken months or years to create. Hopefully few experience a continual stream of problems like the school in BBC's Waterloo Road! But it can happen. Not everything goes as hoped.
Let's look at a real life story. When a new principal took charge of a very large community college not far from where I'm sitting, it had a substandard local reputation. He examined the application forms for the intake two years previously. He was shocked to find the school was first selection in only 46 % of cases, despite having no local competitors. A pupil would have to travel at least 10 miles to find another secondary school. As the marketing people express it they were 'voting with their feet'. He took positive action to address this. As a result, now his school, with over 2,500 students, is over-subscribed. It has not taken place by chance.
A school's perception by the public can be regulated, changed or boosted in many ways. A significant part of this can be achieved by what companies call 'marketing communications'. This is definitely not the 'spin' with which we are all so heartily disenthralled. No, the communications must be underpinned with substance or you will be caught out and worse yet will follow.
Sustained progress in perception depends on many elements. A school is no different from any other organisation in this regard.
Can communications with the school's stakeholders-- and there are many-- be improved? Do your staff members give out good news about the school? Are they provided with the good news to talk to others about? Is it possible to enrich the national curriculum with your own angle in some way and thereby add value to a scholar's experience? Can the skills and experience of the schoolteachers be delivered in new and exciting ways that make the school stand out from the crowd? How do you find out what the parents need from the school so that they sing your praises too?
Each and every school needs a marketing plan to address these points. These are just some of the features that need to go in!
Carefully developed, confirmed by some simple research, with meaningful discussion and engagement of school staff and others, a School Marketing Plan makes a real and positive contribution to a school's success. It delivers a common purpose in which all school members can be engaged.
It brings together a range of actions that otherwise risk being missed or, sometimes worse, take place in an uncoordinated and conflicting manner. Invariably a piecemeal approach of this nature results in a mix of subliminal marketing messages-- often diluting the main message or worse, being seen as confused and negative in nature. It is a key element when you plan to build a successful school.
Constructing a School Marketing Plan may not be easy first time round but specialist guidance and templates are available to simplify the task-- even for those who have never done it before. A structured approach identifies clearly what the objectives are. It allows staff and others to see their role in fulfilling the plan. These proven tools can be used again and again to ensure the school's plan remains relative and supportive, no matter how the education environment changes.
To read more about how and why marketing can benefit your school visit right now. You'll find information and tools to help you on your way as you explore the site. Discover what's special about marketing your school, and how you can do it better. Call in to
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